GGJ 230V 400V High boleng bo tlase gagamalo bohlale reactive matla puseletso kabinete
Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa
Sehlahisoa se na le melemo ea sebopeho sa libuka, sebopeho se utloahalang, boemo bo phahameng ba tšireletso, ho kenya le ho lokisa liphoso, tlhokomelo le ntlafatso.Sehlahisoa se lumellana le GB7251.1-1997, GB/T15576-2008, 'me se fetile setifikeiti sa 3C.Ke sete e phethahetseng ea matla a tlase phetohong ea hona joale ea grid ea motlakase.GGJ series power distribution reactive compensation cabinet e loketse kabo ea matla a motlakase, metering, ts'ireletso, le puseletso ea boiketsetso ea matla a 0.4kV.
Tlhaloso ea Mohlala
Likarolo tsa sebopeho sa sehlahisoa
1.Intelligent controller control, full-featured.Tšepahalo ts'ebetso ea boiketsetso matšeliso;e ka eketsa ntlha ea matla ho 0.9 kapa ho feta;
2.real-time display power grid power factor, display range: lag(0.00-0.99), pele (0.00-0.99);
3.ka over-voltage, harmonic, over compensation, over compensation, system failure, khaello ea phase, overload le ts'ireletso e 'ngoe e pharaletseng;
4.memory has been set parameters, the system will not lose the parameters after powerfaitr the grid back to normal antomatically enter the rumning state, on persnmne on duty;
5.Ho ea ka grid load balancc, ho nka matšeliso a karolo kapa matšeliso a tsoakiloeng;
6.bokhoni ba ho thibela ho kena-kenana, bo ka mamella directimput ho tloha grid amplitude ea 200V interference pulse, e phahameng ho feta litekanyetso tsa litsebi tsa naha.
Boemo ba tikoloho
1. Mocheso oa moea oa tikoloho: -5 ~ +40 le mocheso o tloaelehileng ha oa lokela ho feta +35 ka 24h.
2. Kenya le ho sebelisa ka tlung.Bophahamo ka holim'a bophahamo ba leoatle bakeng sa sebaka sa ts'ebetso ha boa lokela ho feta 2000M.
3. Mongobo o lekanyelitsoeng ha oa lokela ho feta 50% ka mocheso o phahameng +40.Mongobo o phahameng o lekanyelitsoeng o lumelloa ka mocheso o tlase.Ex.90% ho +20.Empa ka lebaka la ho fetoha ha mocheso, ho ka etsahala hore phoka e itekanetseng e ka hlahisa ka mokhoa o sa reroang.
4. Monyetla oa ho kenya o se fete 5.
5. Kenya libakeng tse se nang ho thothomela ho matla le ho thothomela le libaka tse sa lekaneng ho senya likarolo tsa motlakase.
6. Tlhokahalo efe kapa efe e khethehileng, buisana le manufactory.