GBE Commerce Complex Awards 2020 Best Supplier Award
Excellent Supplier of the Year
China Quality Supervision 5A-level bhizinesi
Yegore Pamusoro 100 Kunze Kutengeserana Export Enterprises
Kwegore Kwepamusoro 100 Enterprises muChina Electrical Indasitiri Kugadzirwa
Bhizinesi rinonyanya kupesvedzera uye rine hunyanzvi muChina yepakati uye yakakwira voltage yemagetsi indasitiri
Iyo yechi20 yeChina yepamusoro zana yeMagetsi Indasitiri
Won Zhejiang Industrial Award
Zhejiang mukurumbira brand
Iye anosarudzika mutengesi wekuvaka midziyo yemagetsi muChina
Vepamusoro gumi vanonyanya kufarirwa photovoltaic magetsi anotsigira mabhizinesi mune yegore "Polaris Cup"
China's real estate development mabhizinesi mabhizinesi akazara simba TOP500 inosarudzwa mutengesi mhando yekuvaka magetsi